True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 19: Faraway Observations

Day Nineteen
One of the totally different things about Florida (compared to Illinois) is how much selling activity there is at stoplights. People here are pretty nice about it and I never fail to see at least a few people give money to various "vendors" whether they be people who lost a job, are jobless and pregnant, or whatever.

Today, just as the stoplight turned green, I happened to see someone in a beat up car still in the same place, despite the green light. I wondered what he was waiting for, when he opened his window and stuck his hand up in the air with cash in his hand. He flagged down the man with a sign that read "Just lost a job" (among other things). As I said, the man who gave him some cash was in a beat up car, and unlike many others who are often guilted into giving money, he volunteered pretty forcefully. The best part? This isn't an abnormal sighting.

So, my family ate at a place called Chimas (pronounced Sheemas) in honor of my brother's soon-to-be departure to Hollywood, CA. It was a very nice steakhouse similar to Texas de Brazil. Anyway, there were about 4 parties there who all got sung "Happy Birthday" to. One of the tables next to us loudly requested to have the birthday song sung in Brazilian. There were only 3 servers left (out of the 10 or so who had originally joined to sing in English) by that time, and 2 of the 3 looked suddenly queasy and confused by the request. But the third guy just jumped into it and sang it alone. I love that kind of person!

I also have to say how much I love when people accommodate my picture taking quirks ;) such as tonight with my parents (and brother, who is far more reluctant, lol). When I saw a giant coffee cup randomly placed near the valet outside Chimas, I had to get me some of that. Haha, I love my family.

Laurs, out. 

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