True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 34 (Wednesday, Mar. 17): Closure, Dyed Hair, and Celebrating St. Patrick's Day for the First Time Ever

Day Thirty-Four
In thinking about it, being forgiven / forgiving someone and having closure are pretty similar.

Sometimes people are only friends (or whatever) for a season, and that's not a bad thing. (That would be a lot of friends to stay in contact with otherwise!) There's one burned bridge of mine in particular who I've been in contact with lately. In the end, however, we decided not to force things anymore. It was a pretty mutual decision.

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I saw that this person had sent me an email. I read what turned out to be a really lengthy, jam-packed email. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read or maybe ever will read. I had no idea this person thought those things about me while we knew each other; I actually got chills at most of the sweet things that were written about me. It was one of the most stand-out, bittersweet things I've ever experienced. What a way to gain closure!

About a week ago, I bought a box of hair dye but kept procrastinating on finally using it. My mom helped me in the afternoon and though I at first didn't like it, I love it now! Plus now I don't have trailer-trash hair roots. I love having lighter hair and am glad I finally got on that. My mom is so great!

On an entirely different note, I went out with some current and new friends to 2 bars. I had no plans to celebrate St. Pat's Day, but Andrea talked me into it, and I'm SOOOO glad she did! So I went to downtown Fort Lauderdale and enjoyed one of the best nights I've had in awhile. We met up a little after 9PM and after parking our cars in a spot we didn't have to pay for, we walked to our first of 2 bars. There were 4 of us altogether (consistently). Obviously there was Andrea, but also Pete, and Pat, the birthday boy. (Yes, that's right. He was born on St. Patrick's day and his name is Patrick.)

One of the things I'm grateful for is that Pete and I finally had our first legit conversation out of facebook lol. I love facebook (as any of my facebook friends can clearly see), but it has its limitations. Pete's a really nice guy and fun to be with, so it was easy to talk and get to know him throughout the night. I'm so happy when friends (such as Andrea) and I can come together with each of our own friends and get along. Considering that she and Pete are really close friends, it's that much more of a wonderful thing.

At our first place, Poorhouse, Andrea and I had a lot of girl talk and reached a whole new level of friendship lol. Oh man, I love that girl. I had a white russian. After we were done there, we decided to venture out and see "the crazies" who were totally wasted. That was a very entertaining part of the evening lol. The people here get REALLY decked out for the holiday and I have to say that it was enjoyable. I have never seen so many different shades of green!

When we were done walking, we went into Tarpon Bend where there was a lot of fish paraphernalia and dancing. Though an odd combination, I liked it. My group was all so great about my obsession with picture taking. One of the reasons this is such a big deal is that Andrea told me at Poorhouse that she really wasn't that into pictures, but did them anyway. I was saddened and told her it was actually one of my love languages. She lit up and said, "Really??" and from then on, she not only indulged me; she initiated picture taking! Oh. My. Gosh. That made me feel so loved! And there were some really cute pictures! That also made me feel GREAT! Confession: When I take only a few pictures and they don't turn out as well, I don't enjoy my night as much. Pathetic I know! But it's a true fact.

I hadn't planned on doing any dancing that night, as my white keds proved, but Andrea really wanted to go out there, and I figured, What the heck; why not? I'm soooo glad I did because after a few seconds of dancing with a cute guy, Andrea pointed to me and told him. I found out he's from Chicago (or was?) and we started dancing. He was SOOOO fun to dance with! He was really cute and! I loved the fact that he liked spinning me on the dance floor. (I won't count it against him that his name is Courtney...) At one point after we talked some, he took my hand and kissed it. It was SO sweet! After we were done dancing, he asked if he could buy me a drink, but I politely turned it down because I wanted to go back to my friends. He smiled and then took my hand again and kissed it. I actually don't think I've stopped smiling since then...

Andrea and I went back out there again sometime later and danced in the middle of the dance floor. Haha, she is one of the funnest girls I know! I didn't land me any cute Midwestern boys that time, but that's alright.

When it was about 1:30am, we decided to go back to our cars. On our way out, Pat randomly stopped 3 guys walking past us. I don't know if he knew them from earlier in the night or what, but they were friendly right back. We actually all stood in that area on the sidewalk for awhile, taking pictures and meeting each other. As I later found out from Andrea, they were all models!!! They were definitely very attractive (and I think all straight). I was particularly fond of Chris, because he was wearing a green Power Rangers t-shirt. Ahhhh! Growing up, my friends and I were obsessed with that TV show, as geeky as that makes me to admit it ;) haha. The pictures we took with them didn't turn out too well, but all 3 guys were REALLY cute and seemed nice! Chris needs a better haircut, but he's definitely cute. I really only got to talk with Chris and Jay (while Andrea talked to the other guy in another language) and loved it when they used their model charms (lol) to compliment me in a non-sleazy way.

I declined going out for some burgers with Andrea, Pete, and Pat, and think that was the right choice, especially since, by the time I left, it was 2:30am. And I had to work. Thankfully Omar and I decided that I don't have to come in until 10am as of Tuesday.

I wanted to give a shout out to Pete and Pat for buying us drinks. I didn't spend anything!

A very happy Laurs, out.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 33: Facebook Activity & Bible Study Community & In-House Masseuse

Day Thirty-Three
There were just a lot of little moments that stand out.

Though I'm naturally an introvert, I've become an extrovert. I love community and one-on-ones. I am beyond grateful for my friends, past and present. As a recovering shy person ;) I sometimes get very shy about random things. Throughout my grade school years, I was super shy and insecure about socializing. I became much better in college, but struggled there at times. I think I've started to blossom here in Florida with the wonderful people I've met. Having started out knowing NO ONE my age in Fort Lauderdale, it was sometimes awkward and nerve-wracking to get to know people. There's still a shy person inside me, though people laugh at me when I tell them I'm a shy person. All I know is that whenever my friends and acquaintances invite me places, it touches my heart everytime. My friend Andrea is such a person, who invited me to go out with her friends tomorrow for St. Paddy's Day. (I've never ever celebrated it before, so this will be a fun first-time experience.)

I also had a random but fun moment when on facebook a Rick Smith commented on something I wrote on Andrea's wall. I have an Uncle Rick from Peoria, IL and it made me instantly like this Rick character, though I haven't ever met him in person. LOL and we both are self-proclaimed weirdies who hit it off on facebook. Yes, I know, I've reached the ultimate level of geekiness. The best part? He's from Urbana, IL!!!!! I got soooo excited and posted my excited reaction on his facebook wall. LOL oh life. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends. Just sayin...

One of the reasons I love Tuesdays is that I have Bible study group then and I enjoy everyone who is part of that community. There's something so solid about a coed group of people who love God and each other. I always look forward to prayer time and find comfort in the fact that my needs and wants are prayed over.

Lastly, I have a headache. The reason this falls into the good-things category is that my dad, who is really good at massages, gave me one while my Mom rubbed my head with her motherly instincts. My dad is aware that headaches like what I have come from more than around my temples. So he found the pressure points where my pain was stemming from and helped ease it out with his magical masseuse arms. It's still there, but I'm much more relaxed. Best father in the world!

Yay for days off!! I'm so glad I get to sleep in tomorrow!
Laurs, out.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 32: Two Phonecalls

Day Thirty-Two
I used to hate talking on the phone, and though I still don't LOVE doing it, I have my moments. Today was such a day. I had 2 very important phonecalls today; one from a potential employer, and one from my brother.

Without saying too much at this point, I'm very excited about this coming Saturday. I had my phone off while at work, so when I checked my voicemail, I did an extended "happy dance" in the car on the way home.

Later on in the evening, my brother called me up from California to tell me he missed me and see what was up. It was so good to talk with him and hear about his new life on the other side of the country. I still can't believe he's there! By actively pursuing his dreams, he's been a total example to me, and I'm so thrilled to be related to him, let alone KNOW him!

Laurs, out.

Day 31 (Sunday, Mar. 14): Chile (The Country) and My New Photography Job

Day Thirty-One (Sunday, March 14, 2010)
There have been a lot of worldwide disasters, including the one in Chile. Some really good friends of mine are Chilean and boarded a plane on Sunday to go help their country for awhile. On a personal scale, this is one of the bravest things I've witnessed in a long time. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to do that, to be completely honest. They are a good example to me.

Another wonderful thing happened to me: I got hired!!! I'm a photographers assistant and even got my first paycheck! My boss paid me for my hour and a half work at the park in Davie. The mother and sons who we photographed were just so sweet and fun to photograph. I held the lighting thing (still learning terminology...) and gophered a lot. It was SO fun! Furthermore, when I asked how she felt about it, Monica told me it would be more than fine for me to throw in my input and suggestions at her shoots. Wow! Best non-internship, internship ever!

Embarrassingly, I was late. I took a wrong turn near my destination and was 25 minutes late. Ugh. Desperate, I called my folks to ask if they could help guide me to my destination. My dad patiently guided me to where I was supposed to be, and I don't know what I would've done without him! From now on, I'm going to give myself 30-45 minutes extra to get somewhere, rather than just 10-15.