True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 15: Kids, Thai, and Bowling

Day Fifteen
Today was the perfect bounce back from yesterday. I righted some wrongs and was resilient overall. I also met a lot of new people and just had a blast.

As mentioned, I was my friend Erin's "Mystery Reader" for her 3rd grade class. Unfortunately, I was running late. When I walked in, the kids were waiting for me on the floor. They were in front of the couch where I took my spot as Mystery Reader. Oh. My. Gosh. They were seriously adorable. (There were 15.) And they were so sweet with all their enthusiasm and questions. I had so much fun reading to them while Erin snapped pictures of the whole thing!

Afterwards, Erin asked if I would autograph the wall of Mystery Readers. Little Ryan guided me over there to show me what to do lol. He chose pink for me when I asked what color I should use. I think he had a crush on me lol because he kept shooing off the other kids when they tried to show me how to do it too. And I found that flippin' adorable!! Oh and they got so excited that I knew some of the other guests they've had, such as Alan and Gabe.

Afterwards, we had a little dance party to 2 songs. One was John 3:16 and the other was "Every Move I Make." It was so fun jumping around and such. Afterwards, we gathered in a circle to pray as we held hands. Then, before they were dismissed, some of the kids gathered around me and asked me if I was really afraid of grass when I was little and if I still was lol. (Erin reads 5 clues about the reader who comes in. The grass tidbit was one of them.) I assured them I am over that phobia.

Oh man, I definitely want to do that again. And I definitely enjoyed talking with Erin for awhile afterwards. That girl grows on me more and more everytime I spend time with her!! I also aspire to be as cute as her.

As I said, a friend of mine and I planned a last minute get together and it was pretty successful I'd say. There were 8 people at dinner at a cute little spot called Talay Thai. I got to meet some new people, as well as get to know ones I'd met awhile ago. Plus I got sushi! Sadly, I didn't get to say goodbye to those who didn't end up bowling.

There ended up being 6 people who bowled and we bowled in one lane. It was a smaller group than I had thought, but it was the perfect size! Having a small group proved to be the perfect setting and we all got along really well. I love when that happens; it brings me serious joy when people who have just met get along so well!

Jaclyn joined us but didn't bowl.

By the way, I'm a TERRIBLE bowler, but as I told them, I served as the self-esteem raiser with my scores of 55 and 40-something. LOL yeah I had to have broken some sort of record. It was really fun though. Haha, the best part is that when others were upset for only knocking down 8 pins, I was excited when I knocked down 3. We bowled for 2 hours and people were great about paying me back, which is always a welcome thing.

Bonus Kindness
Before my night started, I had to get gas. On the way out of the gas station, there was a lot of traffic zooming past me, which made it hard to ease my way into traffic. While I was waiting for an opening, I was taking up far too much room in the entrance. When a car came my way, he didn't even flip me the bird like I thought he might. He instead paused in the entrance, blocking the way for me so other cars couldn't get by as easily. He did that until I was safely out of there while gesturing for me to go. WOW! That kind of thing totally sticks out to me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 14: Sometimes Pollyanna Just Can't Show Up...

Day Fourteen
Near the beginning of when I first started this blog, I made the amendment that if nothing good or "kind" happened, I would have to do something to make the world a better place. As I write these words, I have no idea how I will do so.

Okay, I just got back inside from staring at the ocean and nothing came to me. So instead I will be honest.

Today was crappy. Like, I-want-to-cry crappy. There were just a lot of stupid little things I did or that happened, whether it be spilling cereal on my laptop, being late for the first time and therefore making our tax person wait outside the locked office, realizing I'd forgotten my wallet when I went to fill up the gas, miscommunications, and...well, since I'd rather forget about today for the most part, I won't list the remaining things. (And yes, there are remaining things.) 

One thing I can say about today is that it's going to help other days look that much better. It wasn't the day from hell or anywhere near, so I really shouldn't complain.

My Pollyanna Moment Shows Through...
On the upside, it was fun planning something social with Zach for tomorrow night. He randomly asked me what we could get a group together and do. And since I randomly wanted to go bowling, that's what we're doing tomorrow night. First we'll eat at Panera Bread, then go bowling.

And before that, I get to read a children's book to about 14 third graders. Then I guess they have dance parties afterwards. If tomorrow doesn't take my blues away, nothing would have been able to...

What I'm Going to Do to Pollyanna it Up
I'm going to write 5 letters to people telling them what I love and appreciate about them. Not sure who yet. But that is tomorrow's task. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 13: Cliche movie role?

Day Thirteen
Originally, I was supposed to be the creative director at my job part-time, but it's turned more into being another office person. I've come to terms with that, especially as other editing possibilities have been presenting themselves. (And especially considering this economy.)

I've learned that I need to choose my battles; I now view this job as a way to save money while I work towards my dream job of being an editor.

With that said, there's been some drama at work. I won't go into it, but I was in a situation where I was going to be forced to say no to my boss. (Don't worry, nothing sleazy.) However, this morning, I decided to take a deep breath, take a step back, and be more of a team player. (I still can't say yes for the most part, but I'm a little more willing to give an inch than I was before.)

Well, almost immediately, God did something remarkable and miraculous, if you know my boss. He brought someone in to do the exact job I was going to say no to. He said he knew I was too swamped with everything else and that this was the best solution for everyone. Oh. My. Gosh. So, there's no showdown or future discomfort in the office. (I know, I know; not very specific. I don't want to get into it though.)

I almost feel as if I'm the key player in a cliche movie wherein the screenwriter decided to make the message "Let go if you want it back." And I will totally do an encore...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 12: Positivity Amidst Multiple Car Troubles

Day Twelve
Today has been quite the day filled with car...malfunctions? Haha, and not just one time either. When I tried to start my car this morning, I quickly discovered that the headlights had been on all night. (It's supposed to be automatic I thought...) Oops. The valet guy tried to jumpstart it but said the problem was that there wasn't enough energy to enable the car to really start or something like that. Ugh. His name is Isaac and since he was so helpful, running all over the place, etc., I tipped him. He refused at first, but I didn't back down, haha.

So, we called our car dealership and then a tow truck service (called A Touch of Class). Then began a whole new slew of problems which I just have to laugh at. The garage my car is parked in has a 6 foot 2 height limitation so the tow truck couldn't fit in. The tow truck driver, his name is Levonne, was INCREDIBLY positive and a total sweetheart. He didn't look that buff, but he was! He had me sit in the car while it was in neutral. I steered while he pushed it down from the 3rd level. When it was going down a big incline, he both steered and "drove" it out so that I wouldn't have to risk crashing it when momentum picked up.

LOL and then there were more problems with getting the car BACK in neutral once out in the open. He had to put it back in park in order to pop the trunk and get the cables. Again, he just had a big fat smile on his face and was all about thinking outside the box. It was wonderful to be around, and it worked out, of course.

On the drive to the car dealership, we had a great conversation about his job, positive attitudes, and life. He's this cute little Black man who is way stronger than he looks, and grew up in West Palm Beach. I think he's about 55 or 60 years old. It was so fun talking to him!

So, I have a rental car now, and on the way home, I decided to stop in at Dunkin Donuts and use the free wifi (that's where I am now). JUST as I was about to pull all the way into the perfect parking spot in front of the donut shop, MY CAR DIED! It just stopped running. I have ZERO idea why. I apologized to the people behind me and put it in neutral so I could push it all the way into my spot. As I was doing this, one of the drivers who'd tried to pass me before it died got out and helped push it too. Another guy in an office next to Dunkin Donuts also came out and helped me. The first guy who got out of his car got it to work, but I still have no idea what happened. LOL oh life.

So, surprisingly, I've enjoyed my day greatly. It's gorgeous outside and I'm excited to go to Bible Study tonight. (True, those are two very unrelated thoughts, but I'm at peace about it ;) haha.)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 11: An Author Gives Me Access to Him Whenever

Day Eleven
I was in the office for half an hour when a man called to register for one of my boss's events. He said his name is Tad G. and that he related to Omar's story. (Omar's family left Cuba when he was 7 years old with nothing but what they were wearing, though they'd been very wealthy. They had to escape Castro's regime and came to America to do it.) Anyway, he briefly told me his story. It was about a 30 minute conversation and I found him very pleasant to speak to. He buttered me up a bit at the beginning when he told me that he could tell I was a people person with a genuine smile on my face and in my voice. (He was right; I was totally smiling the whole time.) I also enjoyed it when he said he genuinely loved this country. (That was what he led into his story with.)

Anyway, he said I could always feel free to call him and ask him questions about his book "Hitler, Stalin, and I" even at 11:30pm because he never sleeps. So that was kind of a sweet way to start my day off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 10: Church, Social, Editorial, and Sunny Breaths of Fresh Air, as Well as a Random Wheaton Spotting!

Day Ten
Today was one of the most perfect days I've had in a long time, and that's considering this has been one of the best weeks of my life. (I know I tend to exaggerate, but seriously, it has been: Got editing leads, grew closer to new friends, met more people who I'm interested in becoming better friends with, got a raise, organized and went salsa dancing, had some previous mindsets altered in a good way, went on the beach, discussed entrepreneurial possibilities, etc. Didn't I tell you?! An amazing week!)

I was really convicted me on a lot of levels at church. It was actually hard for me not to cry, because of various insights. So, while Tullian sadly wasn't there today (he's our pastor), Rev. Herst did an excellent job. My favorite portion was about Bob who came to know the Lord after years and years going to church and singing in the choir. He had just put the Gospel out of his mind, and it took another godly man to really force him to confront his lack of salvation. There are a lot of hard decisions - but freeing ones - that I came to because of God's word spoken straight to my heart. (He preached about Methibosheth in 2 Samuel.)

At one point, I glanced over a couple rows and noticed someone. I did a double take because he looked so much like someone I knew from college. When service ended, I decided to go find out once and for all, because I figured the worst that could happen would be that I make a new friend. But, sure enough, it was TOTALLY who I thought it was!!! It was Sheridan (Mark)!!! We went to Wheaton together, and sold books door-to-door on the same team together in Houston, Texas!! He's absolutely the last person I would ever have thought I'd see again! The chances were totally stacked against this meeting since I know him from IL, worked together in TX, and he lives in MI with his wife. While his wife is in Thailand, he's visiting a friend here and just happened to be visible to me a couple rows down from me in church!! Of all things!!! Oh my gosh, that made my day!!! (If you can't tell by all the exclamation marks.)

Southwestern Company in the summer of 2004

When I went back to my friends, I talked with Mariam about her new blog. The cool thing is that she and I have come to an arrangement (to be further developed) wherein I can use my editing passion. (It's perhaps dorky, but I seriously LOVE editing papers and making things in print better than it was before.) I won't elaborate on that, but all I know is that I could not be more excited! I really hope we can help each other out.

Sometimes the young adults like to go to lunch together, and today was one such day. About 15 of us went across the street to Olive Garden for what turned out to be a rather long lunch. I greatly enjoyed all the people I sat by, because each conversation was an enormous blessing. I got to hear Andrea's amazing conversion story again, got to do some editorial networking with Julie (as well as get to know her better), got to know Eric better, and enjoyed Mariam's company in general. (Not that the huge blessing I experienced can at all be summed up in a simple sentence. It really can't.) Oh yeah, and when I realized that I had TOTALLY forgotten to bring my wallet with me, a friend stepped in for me, ensuring I not have to do dishes at Olive Garden in order to pay for my meal.

To back up, Julie further made my day when she told me about a cousin she has in Boston who is an editor in a publishing house, if I remember correctly. She's gonna see what she can do to get me advice and even some leads in Florida. Um, wow. Thank you Julie! (Oh yeah, and I'm excited about getting baking lessons from her at some point!)

After lunch was over, I went to a Turkish festival with 4 other women. (Liz, Mariam, Andrea, Erin.) It was a perfect day outside and I really enjoyed my time with other women. (Coed is great, but there's just something great and necessary about all-women get-togethers.) I also love the fact that it was a cozy group of women, rather than too many to be able to fit in a conversation with.

Me, Erin, and a cute pony!

I must add that this blog has been such a blessing on my life. It has really helped me keep my focus on the positive aspects of my life. It's also helped prove to myself that I DO have the capabilities (and desire) to stick with something.

However, with that said, I'm going to stop tagging people on my facebook with it though lol. (I'm a bit of a facebook tagging nazi as my "friend" Jim so graciously pointed out.)

Here's to another week full of kindness and proactive deeds.
Laurs, out.