True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 9: Entrepreneurial Ventures, Elevator Viewpoints, and Educational Victories

Day Nine
I've been trying to think of ways to add additional income to my life, and one way is a business idea I ran across my friend Jim. It was fun meeting with him and my brother on the beach with all the other residents at L'Hermitage who were taking advantage of the great weather. It should be fun to develop our ideas. I'm glad he's so on board to do this.

(P.S. to that: My brother showed me kindness with the simple gesture of letting me use his sunglasses when I didn't have mine. We were facing the same direction even, but he sacrificed.)

On the way up from saying goodbye, I was standing in front of the elevator, absent-mindedly playing with my hair. A woman walked up as the elevator door opened and we both stepped inside. Right as she was about to  get out of the elevator on her floor, she turned to me, and said, "Your hair looked really good that other way." It was the cutest, most surprising thing. I told her so, saying she was so sweet as we parted ways.

Lastly, while on the beach with Jim, I finished my book! It's the first non-novel I've started and finished in a long time. It's been fun slowly falling back in love with books again. (College overwhelmed me and made it much less appealing to read books at that point. I think that was mostly an excuse though. I totally missed out with that excuse.) So, I'm thrilled, and will totally read that again. (Oh, and I TOTALLY recommend the book. It's called "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How To Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It" by Barbara Sher.)

Honorable Mention: I got my mom to join facebook the other day. She's developing a blog and I'm helping her with that too. It's fun seeing her get so excited about so many things like that.

Day 8 (Friday, Feb. 19): Bonus on the Dance Floor

Day Eight (Friday, February 19)
Yesterday was just what I needed. Aside from the obvious joy I got from dancing again, there was a lot of kindness and proactive deeds that went on. So, aside from Amanda's blog dedication, I am creating this "bonus report."

A friend of mine and I decided to plan a salsa dance event, so I wrote a (what else) facebook note inviting people. I thought there would be like, 4 people, but there were 16 altogether! Before the great turnout though, I kept bombarding about 14 people with changes to the plan, including the place, time, and eating arrangements. No one displayed any sort of exasperation but were only gracious. Everyone was so nice! Whenever I said how I hoped no one would block my phone calls, my friend Liz sweetly soothed my insecurities.

Early on, I was asked to dance by some random guy. He was pretty good and helped me with my rusty salsa dancing. He also bought me a drink (which I only drank half of). His friend also taught me some merengue moves. I actually preferred dancing with that guy because I was feeling his moves moreso and had a lot of fun. We only danced for one dance though, sadly enough. They were really sweet and it was enlightening to meet them.

I have to give my friend Jim a shoutout. He told me (in his lighthearted way) that he was looking out for me when I was with those random guys. And this much I know about Jim, though I kid him around a lot, I think he genuinely meant it and would've come to my rescue if things had come to that.

So yeah, it was a pretty perfect night. Near the end of the night, around midnight, the club played regular tunes and everyone in our group immediately got out on the dance floor. I don't much care for regular dancing, at least not for long. So, when I got tired (and over) the regular dancing, I started to make my way through the crowd back to our table. However, my friend Ryan saw me try to leave and pulled me back into dancing with him and everyone else. From there, I had a ton of fun actually. It was a little thing, but meant a lot.

I was pretty thrilled because last night was the first group event I had helped plan, and it turned out really well. Everyone I talked to said they had fun and wanted to do it again. It seriously brought great joy to my heart to know everyone had fun and would do it again. PLUS, I got to DANCE!

So, that was my Friday-slash-Day-Eight.

Laurs, out.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 8: Thank God Amanda was born 25 years ago

Day Eight

My childhood (and adulthood of course) friend Amanda turns 25 today. I will be out late tonight and won't have time to write a blog if I don't do it now. (Going to a latin restaurant and salsa dancing with a bunch of friends until early in the morning.) So, this blog post is dedicated to her. I have known Amanda since kindergarten and took piano lessons from her mom. We grew up together, and I can't thank God enough for her!

Random memories:
* Making movies all through childhood
* Shopping
* Going to countless movies
* Taking zillions of pictures
* Went to high school together
* Went skiing with my youth group
* Laser tag with her youth group overnight
* Birthday parties
* Camp!
* Took golf lessons with our brothers and goofed off while golfing for fun
* Got drunk for the first (and basically last time) on my 21st birthday
* Dodged exploding Champaign bottle caps
* Went dancing in Fort Lauderdale
* Pretended we were various Batman and Power Ranger characters with our brothers.

My childhood is full of our memories and I am a better, fuller person because of these moments. I love her dearly and am so thankful to still call her friend.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 7: My Ex Earns My Respect and Gratitude

Day Seven
I debated making my ex the topic of one of my blogs, but the fact is, he impacted me positively both yesterday and today. He and I hadn't talked for about a year after our breakup, but we have since reconciled. We are on good (but distant) terms now.

The fact is, I was, am, and most likely always will be a major fan of his music. He's the real deal. And I ordered his newest (3rd) CD. It's pretty much incredible and I am so happy to finally own the final copy. (Back when we dated, I had various unfinished versions of his music.)

Anyway, on one on of the tracks, called "Take Me Back" he mentions my first and last name.

"There's only one girl that is really worth mentioning, her name is Laura Dunn and she really been a friend to me. They say you can't break up and be a friend too, but I think that depends on what the hell you been through."

This is after saying he's lost every girl he's ever been with. He sounds pretty angry for most of the song (but artistically). Then he says that nice thing about me!

I'm just blown away that he kept that lyric. It almost makes no sense at all really. He made then showed me that song when we were still on our sorta-dating, sorta-friends stage. Shortly afterwards, we had a major falling out and didn't talk for a long time. But as I said, we reconciled, shortly before his CD came out (which was not even a month ago).

Naturally, I assumed that by that time, he either bashed me in a song or two, or at least took out that favorable set of lyrics with my name in it. Not only did he not bash me, but he also kept that friendly lyric featuring my full name. That speaks volumes about him and touches my heart.

So, not only do I benefit from not being angry at him anymore, but I got a song out of it? I strive to be as classy to others as he was to me with that action.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 6: My Boss is Brilliant and Selfless & Andrea Never Stops Giving

Day Six
My boss is a wonderful man. He not only pays my meal ticket, but he advises me to do things that most bosses wouldn't. What I mean is that he selflessly told me I need to do what is right for me, rather than to just sacrifice for the company, if it comes down to it.

Today was my first day off. I used to work 5 days a week, but in our meeting last Thursday, Omar told me that he thinks I should take 2 days off to pursue my writing and other dreams. Therefore, I have Wednesdays and Fridays off. Wow, how many authors/motivational speakers are as legit as him?? Seriously, this man is one of a kind. He's a great boss, mentor, and friend.

I used today to the fullest, let me tell you. After reading Andrea's comment on my facebook note yesterday (which was already mentioned on yesterday's post), I called her up and we talked about what I could do to get that job as a part-time editor.

She is a rare friend who is truly giving and caring. I can already tell she'll be a lifelong friend of mine. She helped me tweak my resume; she sweetly told me when it could be better without breaking my spirit. I am blown away by how good God is to me through people like her. And it was fun meeting at Starbucks for 3 fast hours with her to talk about life and get to know each other better. I was very encouraged, inspired, and built up. I really really do appreciate my life. Praise God!

P.S. I haven't fixed the time on here. I almost didn't make the midnight deadline! It's now 11:43pm. Time for family prayer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 5: When Putting Yourself Out There Pays Off & Childhood Friends Come Through

Day Five: 
I was hesitant to post a facebook note proclaiming my vulnerability, but I'm glad I did.

I reached out to my fellow So-Flo residents in order to get job leads. Currently, I work part-time as a Creative Director for a small company, but need another part-time job in the area of editing. (My goal is to be an editor at a publishing house.) So, I asked for leads, tips, and suggestions from people if they had any.

Then BAM! My friend Andrea - who I met only last Saturday! - chimed in and has provided me with a very exciting lead as a part-time editor! She's going to get me an interview between this and next week. So, here's hoping that works out, on every level. I even live (relatively) close to it! It sounds like it could be a fantastic opportunity. Pray for me!

*It's interesting how many big kindnesses have been coming my way. I honestly believe that what we think about manifests itself in real life. So, if we think everyone is rude and out to get us, THAT'S what happens. But when we have positive attitudes and mindsets, things tend to go better. That's not foolproof whatsoever, but it's a way better to live, for sure.

So, since I've been thinking about positive, kind people and deeds, they've been pretty abundant. I don't mean that in a New-Age-y way. After all, it was God Who said to think about things that are good. (See Phil. 4:8 in particular for some amazing verses.) Crap happens, but I don't have to EXPECT it to happen.

BONUS Good Deed: 
So, another really kind deed just happened. One of the best friends I've ever had, Karl, informed me that his brother Andrew (who is also a longtime, good friend) and sister-in-law Laura (whom I adore) would be doing my family a HUGE favor.

To back up, my Dad's father was a relatively well-known pastor whose sermons aired in Peoria, IL. We have all those sermons on tape but for whatever reason, 4 boxes of them were at my old apartment where Scott's friends (and our cousin Andy) live. There isn't a lot of closet space for 4 guys so they've been trying to get it outta there for awhile. Being in Florida, we hadn't figured out something until recently. Karl talked to Andrew and Laura who agreed to get our boxes for us and store it in their apartment until March. Then, when they visit Karl in Champaign 3 hours away, they'll take it with them.

I asked Karl to do this today and he made it happen just like that. (Well, I asked him a week or so ago, but then said we didn't need him to anymore.) I really appreciate it and am blessed to have friends like him in my life.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 4: Old Memories and President's Day Weekend

Day Four:
Just when I thought I wouldn't have much to blog about today, I got another compliment via facebook after my workout. In honor of President's Day, one of my best friends from college (Brandon) dedicated a post to me and 2 of my other close friends, saying the following:

About this time four years ago, I was just returning home from one of the best weekends of my life. Thanks for the great memories JJ, Laura, and Shannee...and Kate Winslet ;-)

Though we all used to be inseparable at one time in college, we rarely talk now, for various innocent reasons. (Shannee is married in Missouri, Brandon is in Illinois, JJ is married in Washington, and I'm in Florida.) Still, they once formed one of the most tightly knit group of people I have ever been part of.

In honor of President's Day weekend, we took a roadtrip from Wheaton to Champaign to spend 4 days together at my house. We had a hilarious, unforgettable weekend. One of the highlights was filming a Titanic music video (lol) wherein JJ made a soulful Celine Dion, Brandon made a sizzling hot Kate Winslet, and Shannee made an adorable Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, and I was the floutist. (And I still cherish all the still pictures we took that weekend.)

Anyway, here's to 3 great people who helped formed a very positive part of my college (and life) experience. Honorable mention of that group goes to Katie C. who unfortunately wasn't there that weekend :(




Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 3: Valentine's Day and the Text

Day Three: 
I woke up to a wonderful text message from my dear friend Jaclyn at 9:04am. I'm not sure why she sent it but it set the tone for an incredible day! I won't write it out (as I'm tempted to do because it makes me so happy) but all I'll say is that it really built me up and affirmed me in just about every way. I love surrounding myself with people like her.

I have always enjoyed this holiday as a single person and today has been no exception. I always look forward to going to church where the pastor is both humble and convicting. And it was really nice to sit with 3 wonderful women who I met last weekend at the Art Walk I went on. We connected pretty instantly and actually followed through on getting lunch together after church. The original place we planned on was packed, so we decided to go to The Ritz Carlton instead. It was kinda cold out, but it was still nice to sit outside with a gorgeous view of the ocean. (We were in the touristy section of Fort Lauderdale next to the Fort Lauderdale beach on AIA.) The hot cocoa helped.

I am so thankful for the kind of friendships God has been bringing me here. It's a literal answer to prayer and one I hope to never take for granted.

I'm actually off to go to another Valentine's Day/Mardi Gras party in 10 or so minutes, but I wanted to at least jot down today's stuff.