True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 15: Kids, Thai, and Bowling

Day Fifteen
Today was the perfect bounce back from yesterday. I righted some wrongs and was resilient overall. I also met a lot of new people and just had a blast.

As mentioned, I was my friend Erin's "Mystery Reader" for her 3rd grade class. Unfortunately, I was running late. When I walked in, the kids were waiting for me on the floor. They were in front of the couch where I took my spot as Mystery Reader. Oh. My. Gosh. They were seriously adorable. (There were 15.) And they were so sweet with all their enthusiasm and questions. I had so much fun reading to them while Erin snapped pictures of the whole thing!

Afterwards, Erin asked if I would autograph the wall of Mystery Readers. Little Ryan guided me over there to show me what to do lol. He chose pink for me when I asked what color I should use. I think he had a crush on me lol because he kept shooing off the other kids when they tried to show me how to do it too. And I found that flippin' adorable!! Oh and they got so excited that I knew some of the other guests they've had, such as Alan and Gabe.

Afterwards, we had a little dance party to 2 songs. One was John 3:16 and the other was "Every Move I Make." It was so fun jumping around and such. Afterwards, we gathered in a circle to pray as we held hands. Then, before they were dismissed, some of the kids gathered around me and asked me if I was really afraid of grass when I was little and if I still was lol. (Erin reads 5 clues about the reader who comes in. The grass tidbit was one of them.) I assured them I am over that phobia.

Oh man, I definitely want to do that again. And I definitely enjoyed talking with Erin for awhile afterwards. That girl grows on me more and more everytime I spend time with her!! I also aspire to be as cute as her.

As I said, a friend of mine and I planned a last minute get together and it was pretty successful I'd say. There were 8 people at dinner at a cute little spot called Talay Thai. I got to meet some new people, as well as get to know ones I'd met awhile ago. Plus I got sushi! Sadly, I didn't get to say goodbye to those who didn't end up bowling.

There ended up being 6 people who bowled and we bowled in one lane. It was a smaller group than I had thought, but it was the perfect size! Having a small group proved to be the perfect setting and we all got along really well. I love when that happens; it brings me serious joy when people who have just met get along so well!

Jaclyn joined us but didn't bowl.

By the way, I'm a TERRIBLE bowler, but as I told them, I served as the self-esteem raiser with my scores of 55 and 40-something. LOL yeah I had to have broken some sort of record. It was really fun though. Haha, the best part is that when others were upset for only knocking down 8 pins, I was excited when I knocked down 3. We bowled for 2 hours and people were great about paying me back, which is always a welcome thing.

Bonus Kindness
Before my night started, I had to get gas. On the way out of the gas station, there was a lot of traffic zooming past me, which made it hard to ease my way into traffic. While I was waiting for an opening, I was taking up far too much room in the entrance. When a car came my way, he didn't even flip me the bird like I thought he might. He instead paused in the entrance, blocking the way for me so other cars couldn't get by as easily. He did that until I was safely out of there while gesturing for me to go. WOW! That kind of thing totally sticks out to me.

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