True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 8 (Friday, Feb. 19): Bonus on the Dance Floor

Day Eight (Friday, February 19)
Yesterday was just what I needed. Aside from the obvious joy I got from dancing again, there was a lot of kindness and proactive deeds that went on. So, aside from Amanda's blog dedication, I am creating this "bonus report."

A friend of mine and I decided to plan a salsa dance event, so I wrote a (what else) facebook note inviting people. I thought there would be like, 4 people, but there were 16 altogether! Before the great turnout though, I kept bombarding about 14 people with changes to the plan, including the place, time, and eating arrangements. No one displayed any sort of exasperation but were only gracious. Everyone was so nice! Whenever I said how I hoped no one would block my phone calls, my friend Liz sweetly soothed my insecurities.

Early on, I was asked to dance by some random guy. He was pretty good and helped me with my rusty salsa dancing. He also bought me a drink (which I only drank half of). His friend also taught me some merengue moves. I actually preferred dancing with that guy because I was feeling his moves moreso and had a lot of fun. We only danced for one dance though, sadly enough. They were really sweet and it was enlightening to meet them.

I have to give my friend Jim a shoutout. He told me (in his lighthearted way) that he was looking out for me when I was with those random guys. And this much I know about Jim, though I kid him around a lot, I think he genuinely meant it and would've come to my rescue if things had come to that.

So yeah, it was a pretty perfect night. Near the end of the night, around midnight, the club played regular tunes and everyone in our group immediately got out on the dance floor. I don't much care for regular dancing, at least not for long. So, when I got tired (and over) the regular dancing, I started to make my way through the crowd back to our table. However, my friend Ryan saw me try to leave and pulled me back into dancing with him and everyone else. From there, I had a ton of fun actually. It was a little thing, but meant a lot.

I was pretty thrilled because last night was the first group event I had helped plan, and it turned out really well. Everyone I talked to said they had fun and wanted to do it again. It seriously brought great joy to my heart to know everyone had fun and would do it again. PLUS, I got to DANCE!

So, that was my Friday-slash-Day-Eight.

Laurs, out.

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