True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

True. Honorable. Just. Pure. Lovely. Commendable. Excellent. Worthy of Praise.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finally Biting the Bullet or This is For You Jenn

About 3 months later, I am finally updating this blog. Once again, I more than considered letting the blog die. However, due to my kind cousin who is a regular reader, she told me I needed to write in this because she wants to know what's going on in my life. I absolutely LOVE that woman and it's mostly because of her that I have decided not to just give up on this blog goal.

However, it is NOT feasible to be nearly as detailed as I used to be on here. I need to just quickly update a chunk of the past at a time, rather than go through every single day I didn't blog about.'s not the word...interesting as it would be to go back and investigate what all happened from May 12 through now, August 25, that's just NOT going to happen.

Let me just say that my life is DRAMATICALLY different now than it was where I left off. I really love and am grateful for my life. As a strange obsesser of lists, I will now create another one below of the things I'm insanely grateful for. They are definitely in no particular order.

1) My new job (as of 4 weeks ago) by the Galleria Mall in Fort Lauderdale. I have an amazing amazing boss, great co-workers, and love the clientele.
2) My freelance job as an Editor. I'm only working with one client for now, but that's been an insane blessing in my life.
3) My job as a photography assistant to Rosina has picked up again and I'm also her Sales Director! Crazy!
4) A fantastic church with a fantastic pastor who constantly preaches tons of convicting truth.
5) Visiting the Manor Oaks nursing home in Fort Lauderdale. Those residents bless me to no end. They teach me new lessons each time I go there.
6) My relationship with Christ.
7) A wonderful family who I've really grown close to the past 2 years.
8) Freakin' amazing friends!
9) My car lease, which is the cutest little blue honda civic you've ever seen. Having a job enables me to actually have money to pay for it.
10) Living in Florida has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I still can't believe that I get to wake up everyday to a view of the ocean and palm trees. Unreal. I choose to never get tired of this.
11) So many more things!

Okay, so I will take a few minutes to figure out how to go about updating this blog. There's a TON that happened and I don't really want to skip over the substantial stuff.

Laurs, out (for now).

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